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Category: home

If there is one place in the home that I organize religiously, it’s our kitchen pantry. I try to keep our kitchen cabinets as tidy as I can, but every [...]

As a self-proclaimed type-A person who likes organization, I am constantly finding ways to optimize and organize everything I own. I have a pretty good handle on doing regular purges [...]

Fill your home with the scent of the holidays with this easy stovetop simmer pot. With just a few fresh seasonal ingredients, a large pot, and water, your home can [...]

There’s nothing quite like the warm glow of a flickering candle to set the perfect ambiance during the holiday season. Today, I’m sharing the best holiday candles of 2024. Holiday [...]

I LOVE Thanksgiving. I live for making a full Thanksgiving dinner. However, I know it’s not everyone’s jam and it can be downright stressful if you don’t love to cook. [...]

A fall simmer pot is the perfect way to make your house smell like autumn! This stovetop potpourri is easy, affordable, and an all-natural way to fill your home with [...]

Nest New York Pumpkin Chai Classic Candle, Best Fall Candles | Charmed by Camille [...]

I am an absolute sucker for a well-scented home, so when I discovered the Pura smart fragrance diffuser, I was immediately intrigued. I’ve dabbled here and there for years with [...]

Owning a luxury handbag is more than just a style statement—it’s an investment. Their value can increase over time, but only if they’re well cared for. Whether it’s a classic [...]