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10 Simple Ways to De-Stress this Holiday Season

Does the holiday season always make you tired and stressed? Due to the nature of my job (running a blog and a digital content agency), I’m always extremely busy this time of year and by December 31, ready for a nap. Despite this, I try to still prioritize self-care, no matter how small the act may be. Today I’m sharing 10 simple ideas to help de-stress this holiday season.

10 Simple Ways to De-Stress this Holiday Season | Charmed by Camille

10 Simple Ways to De-Stress During the Holiday Season

Take a Bath

If you follow me on Instagram, then you know I’m all about my bath time. Sometimes I’ll sit in the tub for 30 minutes, sometimes just have 5 minutes. Either way, it’s a small slice of time where I can shut the door and can’t reach my phone (more on that later). I may close my eyes, put on some music, or even do a face mask. I also love incorporating stress-relieving essential oils into my bath time. This is my favorite way to de-stress year round, not just the holiday season!

Go for a Drive Alone

Going on a drive alone is highly underrated. If taking a bath is a no go because of kids, other family members, etc., then hop in your car. I have a tendency to always call someone when I’m in the car because “I finally have time.” But try going even for a short drive around the block. No phone calls. No music. It’s refreshing silence that’ll make you feel a sense of, “ahhhh.”

Buy Yourself Something

I’m not saying go wild here, but in a season that’s all about gift giving, don’t forget about number one. (AKA, you.) I always buy myself a Christmas present; not for vanity, but as a small reminder that I’m grateful for myself just as much as others. If you’re not one for buying yourself a gift, consider a little treat like a special drink order, or take yourself to lunch and enjoy your own company.

Sleep In or Go to Bed Early

I realize that if you’re super busy, the idea of sleeping in or going to bed early sounds counterintuitive. However, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Even an extra 30 minutes of sleep can make all the difference. That’s one episode of TV that you can skip for some extra shut-eye. Similarly, see if there’s 30 extra minutes you can get back in the morning. (Maybe prep your morning routine the night before by putting out your clothes and coffee!)

Bake Cookies

I mean, I love cookies, and they make me happy even on the worst day. Plus, who doesn’t love the smell of cookies in their home? The scent alone will make you feel festive and cheery! There is absolutely no need to bake cookies from scratch (unless baking helps you de-stress). Grab the log of Tollhouse and you’re good to go. 

Give Yourself an At-Home Facial

If you’re able to sneak in 15-30 minutes, consider giving yourself an at-home facial. Often times during the holidays, it may be impossible to squeeze in an hour-long appointment. So, give your face some TLC at home!

PRO TIP: This personal facial steamer makes my at-home facials feel like a real spa day.

Take a Walk

Fresh air is always a great pick-me-up. Grab your sneakers and get outside for 5 minutes to get your circulation flowing.

Practice Saying NO

You’re probably getting tugged in a lot of directions. You’re only human and can only be in one place at a time. If there’s something you’re already dreading or you’re already trying to find an excuse for, that’s probably a sign you shouldn’t have said yes. It’s okay to say no. (You don’t have to give a reason either, by the way.) 


I will often times set my phone on do not disturb and put it another room. If you’re phone isn’t buzzing or vibrating, you’ll never know whose call or text you’re missing. 🙂  If the thought of this freaks you out, start small. Try not using your phone at night while watching TV or not taking it on that neighborhood walk. As someone whose job it is to literally be on their phone, I recognize the importance of not using it when I don’t have to.

I purchased a Loftie alarm clock and it’s helped me fall asleep at night. Although it’s an alarm clock and sound machine, my favorite features is that it has sound bath, breath work, and guided meditation playlists to improve your mental wellness.

Set an Intention for Your Day

When you wake up to a full schedule, stop a take a breath. Look at what’s on your list and set one small intention for yourself and/or your day. (EX: drink more water, take a 5-minute break, finish X before lunch.) If your list is long and overwhelming you, pick your top 3 things to accomplish. After you finish them, move onto the next 3, and so on. I use a day planner from Day Designer that has time slot spacing and a section for top three tasks. (Use code CAMILLE10 for 10% off your order.)

How do you de-stress during the holiday season?


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Charmed to Meet You

I’m Camille, a bi-costal blogger and creative splitting my time between LA and NYC and dedicated to inspiring effortless elegance and everyday joy while savoring life’s finer moments.

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