How to Wear Winter White

It used to be that you weren’t supposed to wear white after Labor Day. I get it: white is usually light and airy and reminiscent of summer. So I can see why in general it’s associated with warm weather. But winter white can be just as fun to wear, too. You just have to know how to do it. I’m breaking it all down for you in today’s post with just 3 easy things to keep in mind for your best winter white look ever.

How to Wear Winter White | Charmed by Camille
How to Wear Winter White, Brown Teddy Jacket | Charmed by Camille
How to Wear Winter White, Brown Teddy Jacket | Charmed by Camille

Let’s start with the fundamental rule here. Rule one. Texture is key to wearing winter white, and the main offender here in making something look seasonally off. Look for heavier denim that has less stretch, cozy knits, and cool-weather fabric like corduroy or velveteen. For example, the AG pants I’m wearing here are made from fine corduroy, and my Splendid sweater (on sale!) has added texture thanks to the knit detailing. (Quick note on the pants, they run a little tight so if you’re between sizes definitely go up a size.)

Okay, so you’ve found some great white pieces in wintry fabrics. But the question is, what kind of white? SAY WHAT?

How to Wear Winter White, Brown Teddy Jacket | Charmed by Camille
How to Wear Winter White, Brown Teddy Jacket | Charmed by Camille

Yes, there are different kinds of white and so rule number two is to be sure you are matching them. If you don’t believe me on this, go to the paint section in Home Depot, pick out all of the white swatches, then hold them together. You’ll instantly see what I mean.

A bright white sweater with slightly off-white jeans just looks like you tried to match, then failed. Sorry to break it to you, but that’s the cold hard truth. Take the time to find pieces that work together. Unless the two are deliberately different – like a dark white that is basically nude with a bright white sweater – then just get them as closely matching as you can. I personally prefer off-white to crisp white during the winter, but they both work as long as you have two pieces that match.

How to Wear Winter White, Brown Teddy Jacket | Charmed by Camille
How to Wear Winter White, Brown Teddy Jacket | Charmed by Camille
How to Wear Winter White, Brown Teddy Jacket | Charmed by Camille

The third and final rule to wearing winter white is to make sure you’re accessorizing with the right pieces. You wouldn’t wear ski boots in the summer, so don’t wear sandals now. (Unless you live in Hawaii, in which case this entire post is totally irrelevant for you.) While I am a huge fan of black, I find that it is too harsh with an all-white look, even in the winter. This is one of the only times that I prefer brown over white.

Now although you should try to make sure your whites match, you can be a little more forgiving here with the brown accessories. You’ll notice that my faux fur coat is slightly darker than my bag, and my boots are more of a neutral color with black and brown flecks from the snakeskin print. This adds dimension to the look. By the way, can we take a short moment to talk about this furry jacket? It’s by Free People and it’s such a good shade of brown.

To recap:

  • Find white pieces in heavier, “winter” fabrics
  • Try to match your white pieces as closely as you can
  • Opt for soft, brown accessories to layer and keep you warm

There you go winter white champ! You’re ready!

How to Wear Winter White, Brown Teddy Jacket | Charmed by Camille

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Hi, I am Camille! I am a bi-coastal blogger splitting my time between LA and NYC and sharing elevated, yet relatable ideas so that you can achieve your most stylish life.

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